Part 11: Mission 10: New York City

Mission 10: New York City

No new weapons because I'm a stingy bastard and need all the rare metals I can get.


Soldier Shield
Regular soldiers but with heavy duty riot shields that not even Metal Wolf can boost through (how heavy must that be?). These enemies are thrown in at this point to mix up your tactics and force you to hit them from behind. Thankfully the radius from Metal Wolf's dive kick is very effective at hitting them from any angle behind them.

Autoarms N200
An upgrade over the smaller B300 model, they aren't designed to work as target seeking land mines and instead function as automated robot tanks. Like Tachikomas. Except not as endearing.

A giant hexaped robot whose energy cannon can one shot Metal Wolf no matter how many energy shields he has. Other than, it can deploy small Autoarms and fire missile salvos. Also a misspelling of Kasparaitis, as in former NHL player Darius Kasparaitis. Guess it's not just the NBA, someone on the development team at FROM just really loves sports.